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  • Writer's pictureRACHELLE BLEAKLEY

Melody, Rhythm & Harmony: We are carriers of God’s presence! By Min Rachelle Bleakley 1/25/21

God’s presence is the answer to all the needs of our world and His final goal is to live continually with His people, where they can see Him face to face. When we come together corporately, we help bring this atmosphere to the congregation to experience this very thing. Every person on that platform, regardless of their role, is a worship leader/ minstrel. Let me explain…

In Websters Revised Unabridged Version, Minstrels are referred to this way - In the Middle Ages, one of an order of men who subsisted by the arts of poetry and music, and sang verses to the accompaniment of a harp or other instrument; in modern times, a poet; a bard; a singer and harper; a musician.

Now, in biblical times, they were referred to as playing stringed instruments or flute (2 Kings 3:15, 1 Samuel 16:16; 18:10; 19:9, Isaiah 23:16, Matthew 9:23, 2 Chronicles 35:25; Ecclesiastes 12:5; Jeremiah 9:17-20) and since our musical instruments have evolved since then, we know these now encompass many kinds.

Everyone has a role to play in or Worship teams. Some play an instrument and/or sing the worship songs, some lead the songs, some do not & some sing in the choir. I’ll also include that some manage the sound system to carry the sound waves to the congregation, some create lighting effects to enhance each song's mood to emphasize certain parts for people to connect and enter into God’s presence. Much work goes on behind the scenes - such as providing the lyrics for both teams and congregation to follow. Many are in the production room and sanctuary videoing and live streaming etc… and the list goes on and extends down to the very person who greets, ushers, serves the children for the adults to be in service, etc… creating a re-assuring atmosphere for congregants. Think about the precious servants all over the church each week to keep the restrooms and sanctuary now sanitized for us to comply with safety enhancements during Covid. My point is that they are all working together to create these Holy moments for giving God praise and Glory, and in that corporate anointing – yolks of bondage are destroyed, and restoration is present for all to receive!.

God’s spirit is a triune being made up of Father – Son –Holy Spirit. Well, in worship music, we function in Rhythm– Melody & Harmony. How can we all function together unless we are in sync with each other – the Bible calls this being in one accord – and in one Spirit ~ Philippians 2:2.

Rhythm is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. Melody is a musically satisfying sequence of single notes. In Ephesians 5:19 it says to speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart. Now, the term harmony derives from the Greek word ἁρμονία Harmonia, meaning "joint, agreement, concord", from the verb ἁρμόζω harmozō, "fit together, join." In the past, harmony often referred to the whole field of music, while music referred to the arts in general. Harmony is the pleasant combination of different notes of music played at the same time. If people live in harmony with each other, they live together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing. In good communication skills, psychologists refer to harmonizing as an alternative approach to use your POV or Point of view – in a positive manner when in confrontations. We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us.

Another way we can apply these to our everyday lives this. I’ll use me as an example. Recently, I have been transitioning from a high-pressure position in our business and had to make some life changes so that I can be in a position for what God needs to use me for. This is taking some getting used to – it’s a new "rhythm" that I’m not used to. However, I like the new pace and guard against getting caught up in an unhealthy rhythm that I cannot keep up with or maintain. So we must learn how to use harmony & rhythm in our everyday lives so that when we come together corporately, God's manifest presence can be brought through our worship to Him.

You see, whether you sing a harmony part, melody part in the front line or in the choir, play your instrument in rhythm to the music, clap or dance to the beat of the music, lift Holy hands, etc… you have an essential part and you are all LEADING WORSHIP! When everyone is in one accord, causing this corporate anointing to occur, angel armies join in and carry forth this worship to the atmosphere. When we all participate in the Selah moments in our worship, those Holy Moments to pause amid the song when we silence ourselves long enough to let the revelation of what we have been singing actually sink in and become part of us…then you are all leading true worship for our congregation.

Prayer – God, let us recognize that we are the carriers of Your presence. Let us never diminish our roles or believe the lies that what we do at church is not significant (for whatever the reasons…). Let us realize that by doing our part, the Body of Christ can be whole and healthy – and they need my part for this to happen. No role is insignificant or any less important. Help me prepare my heart each week to bring my best to this role in Jesus’ Name.

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